If you've come here to learn more about supporting me and my work, thank you! There is a fair amount of cost involved in making my projects and videos including tools and supplies, video production gear, etc. Sometimes I can justify a project if it's something I need at home, but other "just for fun" stuff is often limited on budget. I love that I can produce free content, but if you feel so inclined to support me and help me produce more and better content, here are some ways to do so.

Amazon Affiliate Store

By visiting my Amazon affiliate store using this link or any amazon link in one of my videos, I will earn a small percentage of any purchases you make within 24 hours at no extra cost to you. This is an easy way to show your support and every bit is appreciated. If you're looking for a specific tool that I use, check out my Tools page.

More to come...

I'm working on adding more ways to help my channel support itself. I'm working on creating some downloadable plans which will be posted here for sale when they're ready, and perhaps a Patreon campaign. Have any suggestions or requests? Let me know!